Vuity Drops FAQs?

Vuity drops are a new product from Allergan designed to treat vision issues resulting from presbyopia, a condition that causes loss of near vision in adults starting around age 40.
Currently, Vuity drops must be prescribed by a medical professional and are not available over-the-counter.
The formulation of Vuity drops includes a dilute glaucoma medication, so it does come with mild risks and considerations. Not everyone is a candidate. Call our office to learn if Vuity drops are safe for you.
If you meet the criteria as a candidate for a Vuity prescription, then yes, these drops can be used with glasses or contact lenses. Specific guidance from the doctors at Complete Eye Care of Medina would be needed in this scenario.
Call Complete Eye Care of Medina to inquire about a Vuity drop prescription from one of our eye doctors.

If you are an established patient and have had an eye exam in the last six months, our doctors will review your history and advise/prescribe Vuity drops if eligible. If more than six months have passed since your last exam, you will need to schedule a short office visit to address any changes in eye health before receiving a prescription.

If you are a new patient, we will need to conduct a full eye exam to evaluate your eye health and vision before prescribing Vuity drops. Schedule your appointment today to get started.

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