A Child's Vision

Children typically receive a brief visual screening in school, but these cursory exams may overlook more complicated vision problems. Vision issues are much more common among kids with certain disorders, making it essential to visit an optometrist experienced in vision therapy for a comprehensive vision exam to diagnose potential problems.

Eye Diseases

Intricate and complex, the eyes take in and process light and communicate information to the brain through electronic impulses. Several diseases and conditions – viral, bacterial, and genetic – affect the eyes and their ability to function properly. Any sign of unusual eye symptoms should prompt a visit with an eye care professional.

Why Myopia Is Becoming More Common In Children

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is on the rise among children. There are a few different factors that have led to the affliction’s meteoric rise over the past decade but the truth has become crystal clear: myopia is more common...

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What is Involved in Sports Vision Training?

“For driven athletes in the making.” That is the slogan of Sports Vision Training — Complete Eye Care’s reimagined sports training program focused on improving athletic performance by focusing on athletes’ vision. Sports...

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Ophthalmologist vs. Optometrist: Which Do I Need to See?

If you have received routine vision care recently, you likely utilized the services of an optometrist. However, in the process of scheduling an eye appointment, you may have come across another type of eye doctor that begins with...

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What Causes Different Eye Colors?

Eye color is a big deal. Along with being an identifiable feature listed on drivers licenses, eye color can be a distinguishing attribute that shows family resemblance or even makes someone appear more attractive. While eye color...

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Why Am I Experiencing Sudden Vision Changes?

Random floaters, blurry sightlines, or dry eyes can occur suddenly and might seem alarming. In general, vision changes are perfectly normal, especially as you age and grow. So, why are you experiencing sudden changes in vision?...

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The Science Behind Perfect Eyesight

It’s easy to take vision for granted when the eyes perform flawlessly. However, when eye problems crop up, it’s hard not to wonder how the eyes work. In a properly functioning eye, a number of elements must cooperate...

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Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery

Choosing laser eye surgery is a big decision. Whatever your treatment goal, proper preparation before surgery will help you obtain optimal results, speed up recovery, and minimize potential risks. If you’ve done your homework,...

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